martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

The Age of Absolutism

1. Why did Charles V divide the Hapsburg Empire?
-Charles V divided Hapsburg empire because, it was too hard for one king to handle. He gave up his tittle as king.

2.What was the Siglo de Oro?
-Siglo de Oro (Golden Age) started from 1550-1650 century, where arts and literature became popular.

3.How did Philip II extend Spain’s power and help establish a golden age?
-Philip II extended Spain's power by fighting in many wars to advance Spanish Catholic power. He reigned as am absolute monarch and asserted that he ruled by divine right. 
-He helped establish the golden age, because he was very enthusiastic of the arts and also founded sciences and mathematics.

4.Why did Spanish power and prosperity decline?
-Thorughout the 1600 century, Spanish strength and prosperity decreased, due to the defeat of the armada. Philip's succesors ruled far less than he had, and economy problems were also part of the problem.

5.What values of chivalry motivate Don Quixote’s attack on the windmills?
-Don Quixote is considered one of the first European novel. It mocks traditions of Spain's past.

6.What rights did the Edict of Nantes extend to Huguenots?
-Giving the Hughenots religious toleration and other freedoms.

7.What was the purpose of Louis XIV’s extravagant palace and daily rituals?
-He wanted his palace to be one of the biggest palace's in Europe.
-Leading nobles to Versailles (Louis palace) turned them into courtiers angling for prileges rather than rival warriors battling for power.

8.Explain whether or not you think if Louis XIV’s reign was good for France
-I do believe his reign was good for France because, he made France one of the strongest states in Europe. Although, I don't like, how he wanted the divine right system to continue and after he made some decissions that affected France in a very strong way. 

1 comentario:

  1. Good job on your assignment. Could have explained a little more in you answers. Watch your spelling.
