martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

The Age of Absolutism: Section 5 Absolute Monarchy in Russia

1. What rewards and punishments did Peter use to solidify his control over the nobles?
-Rewards Petter used to solidify the nobles were, laws ensuring control over their lands, including serfs and those lands.
Their punishment was being tortured and executed.

2. What impact did Peter’s defeat of Sweden have on Russia’s expansion?
-Peter's impact was humiliating. His army lost to Sweden's' army of 8,000 men when they were greatly outnumbered. He Rebuilt his army and defeated them in 1709 gaining control of the Baltic Sea.

3. How were Catherine’s goals similar to those of Peter?

-Both of their ideas, were the same, because they both embraced Western ideas and worked to bring Russia fully into European cultural and political life. Encouraged French languages and customs, wrote histories and plays, and organized performances.

4. Compare the vision that Peter and Catherine had for Russia’s future. What was different?

-Both vision for Russia, was to expand its borders, gained war with the Ottoman Empire to gain warm-water port on the Black sea. Also, they both ruled under absolute monarch. 
Their differences were that Peter the Great wasn't as harsh to peasants.

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