martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

Turbulent Centuries in Africa

1. Why did the Portuguese and other Europeans want slaves?
-Portuguese wanted slave to perform labor on their plantations, as for the Europeans they just wanted them as household servants.

2. Identify two effects the slave trade had on African states.
-Two effects caused by slave trade are:
  • More and more women and men were taken, that resulted in some small states to disappear.
  • Other people depended on the slave trade, so the rulers of the new states allowed slave trade to continue, and decreasing agriculture area.
3.In your own words, how did Portugal build a trading empire in South and Southeast Asia? (trading = comercio, trueque)
-Portugal began to trade, because they had a succesful journey which led to more trading activity on sea. Soon the Dutch had made Netherlands as one of their leaders in commerce (exchange of goods.)  This led to Dutch power set up by colonies and other trading post around the world.

4.In your own words, how did the Dutch come to dominate trade in Southeast Asia? 
-The Dutch gained their power by using different strategies leading them to a more secure foothold in their region. Then a group of merchants came together building the "Dutch East India Company" which led it to be one of the most powerful company. This company had what is called "Sovereign" powers meaning they have their own power, their own way of doing things.

5. In your own words, why did the Chinese demand that the Portuguese traders pay for Chinese silks and porcelain with gold or silver?
-The Chinese wanted the Portuguese to pay with gold and silver, because they didn't have much to exchange with them. Any European textile or metalwork were inferior to Chinese silks and porcelains.

6. Write one or two paragraphs explaining your opinion on any of the material covered in these pages.
- Slavery is something very common on those centuries, they felt like not everyone had the same benefits as white or other races did. I strongly disagree, because a wise man once said "All man are created equal." Where was the equality and same benefits on those centuries? Did it seem humane to use people as servants, and treat them like a piece of trash? No one belongs to anyone, and when strong leaders fought they should have won, because they were trying to show them how bad they lack on ethics and values.

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