miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011

The Renaissance

The Renaissance, began in Italy around 1300-1600. It begun because of several reasons, such as the following:

  • Architecture around Rome
  • Invention of the Printing-Press
  • Deathly diseases
  • Reformation 
The way of painting changed in this era giving the paintings a more realistic form, a better way to look at how things should have been. The discovery was called "perspective." Many famous painters used this new discovery such as : Leonardo Da Vinci, and Michelangelo. Another invention was engravings, by Albrech Durer.

The invention of the printing press allowed, to publish books, newspaper faster. The first book was the Bible. The creator of the printing press was Johann Gutenberg. He made the process of writing books faster, since the printing press made it all possible. 

Deadly diseases spread through Europe. Mainly caused by rats. This disease was called bubonic Plague which killed a very large percentage of the population, mainly the northern population. 

Reformation caused criticism towards the church. It was mostly criticized by its political power, luxuries, indulgences fees and much more. Martin Luther made the 95 theses and spread it through Germany. 

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