jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Britain Leads the Way

1. What were the conditions in Britain that prepared the way for the Industrial Revolution?
- Britain prepared the Industrial Revolution, because it had plenty of skilled mechanics, population explosion boosted demand for goods. Money was also necessary to start a business.

2. What was the steam locomotive?
-The steam locomotive, was an invention that made the growth of railroads possible. They developed a steam-powered locomotive, to pull carriages along iron rails. This invention made the shipping goods to be swiftly and cheaply.

3. Explain what caused urbanization and what life was like in the new industrial cities.
-Urbanization was caused, because the changes in farming, soaring population, and ever-increasing demand for workers.

4. Compare the the industrial working class and the new middle class.

-The middle class, were people whom benefited more. They were able to have a richer life and women did not have to work, instead they used their energy to raise their children. Industrial Working class, were hard working and were more of the middle class whom lived in pleasant neighborhoods and vast numbers whom struggled to survive in foul-smelling slums.

5. What were the benefits and challenges of the industrialization?

-The benefits out of the industrialization, were that labor unions won the right to bargain with employets for better wages, hours, and working conditions. Then working-class men gain the right to vote, which gave them political power. 
Some challenges faced were low pay, dismissal living conditions. As a demand for mass-produced goods grew, new factories opened which gave new jobs. Wages rose.
6. Describe what utilitarianism was
-Utilitarianism  was an idea that the goal of society should be "the greatest happiness for the greatest number" of its citizen.

7. Summarize the theories of socialism.
-The theories behind it was that they condemned the evils of industrial capitalism, which they believed had created a gulf between rich and poor. To end poverty and injustice they came up with socialism. 

8. Explain Mar’s view of the working class and the response to Marxism.
-Marx said that the "haves" were the bourgeoisie. The "have-nots" were the proletariat (working class)

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